Daniel - Senior Contracts Manager Suspended Ceiling Company

Tried and Tested: A Game changer in the workplace!

Imagine a world where you can go to work and do your job without discomfort or muscle fatigue.  Where you are free to enjoy your evenings and weekends without additional fatigue or injury caused by carrying out your job.

This world has become a reality for thousands of Exoskeleton users. Workers from a wide range of industries benefit from wearing an exoskeleton while they work. In fact any job which involves having your arms above your head or held out in front for prolonged periods will find this a lifechanging product .

Daniel is a senior contracts manager of an internal constuction company, who wears the EXO-Reach for his daily work in ceiling construction.  

"It's made a huge difference and changed the way I work for the better. Before the EXO-Reach, my arms would get tired after working overhead, working through the pain led to shoulder strain which often forced me to stop and rest until the fatigue eased off  - now I wear the EXO-Reach, my arms and shoulders are supported and feel weightless meaning I can complete my job, ache and pain free without having to keep pausing! Its been a game changer and has meant I'm less tired physically at home after work too !"

 EXO-Reach and EXO-Lift support the wearer's body, reduce muscle injury and  fatigue and reduce risk of lower back injury in all kinds of work including vehicle manufacture, construction and property development and have significant positive impact for trades such as  Electricians, plastering and decorators. 

Remember, with EXOwear, work doesn't need to be a pain in the neck.....shoulders or back.