A world where EXO skeleton suits and assistive technology are used as commonly as a hard hat, may sound like something from a superhero movie, but is actually just around the corner.
In this world, workers are protected from injuries and are more productive in their work, saving their strength for home.
That future is now- The technology is ready and has become a reality with EXOwear.
The technology used in the exoskeleton products is born from years of research and development backed by scientific study but the impact is on the everyday working life of workers from a wide range of industries.
With real workers at the heart, the science and technology has been developed to help make any physically demanding jobs both safer and smarter.
Studies testing the EXO lift on distribution centre workers saw positive feedback with 100% saying they felt the Exosuit could be useful, more than 90% agreed that the suit made lifting easier, over 80% felt it was comfortable and said they were able to move naturally while wearing it. The EXO Reach performs equally well, transferring the load from the wearers raised arm and distributing it around the waist giving an average of 40% reduction in weight through the arms and shoulders and allowing the performance of chest to ceiling level tasks for longer and with less effort.
Proven to reduce spinal and shoulder muscle activity and so reduce the risk of injury or fatigue, the EXO Lift and EXO Reach are a must for any forward looking company who want to maintain the health and well -being of their workforce.